The Finance Bar

by Microsoft Corporation


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Developing percentage guidelines for you or your families income is vital to a family budget, and living by percentages is an easy way to determine what amount you should be spending out of each bucket. While there is no one size fits all way to determine an exact percentage that each of us should use, experts in the personal finance field have come up with a few fair assessments. Use The Finance Bar-Expense Manager to determine how you fair out based on the below percentages. Simply enter your monthly net income and watch as this convenient app does the work for you.Calculations are based on the highest percentage for each category.
Housing: 30%Utilities: 10%Food: 10%Transportation: 10-%Medical/Health: 5%Debt: 5%Personal: 10%Recreation: 5%Saving/Investments: 15%
Note: These are only recommended percentages, based upon your individual monthly income.